by Robyn Silvestri, Executive Director | Jul 3, 2021 | Algal Blooms, Boat Sewage, Creek Defender, Fishing and Boating, Water Quality
To all our boater friends – help protect marine life of our Bay. Raw sewage in our waterways causes pollution, algal blooms, possible diseases for shellfish areas, and can close areas for swimming. – pump out, don’t dump out. Our Creek Defenders...
by Howard Ryan | Jun 26, 2018 | Advocacy, Algal Blooms, Bioat Sewage, Boat Sewage, Cleaner Water, Education, Featured, Fishing and Boating, Fixing Habitats, Hurricane Sandy, Lawn Fertilizer, News, Nitrogen Pollution, Pesticides, Pollution, Save Raitan Bay, Septic Tanks, Shellfish, Toxic Plumes
Facts: 2018 Cuomo Priority: Full PCB Clean Up of the Hudson River Cuomo Announces $10.4 Mil to Clean LI’s Waters With Shellfish A New Start for New Jersey on Water Pollution & Flooding Both New York and New Jersey have witnessed some great recent State level...
by Howard Ryan | Jun 19, 2018 | Boat Sewage, Cleaner Water, Education, Featured, Fishing and Boating, Fixing Habitats, Pollution
Pumping out sewage from boats might not be appealing but is obviously necessary if lavatory facilities are utilized onboard. The proper use of pumpout stations is vital to keep boats and harbors clean and fresh. Dumping of sewage by recreational boaters is suspected,...