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Help Save The Great South Bay

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2024 Highlights

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It’s our bay, our heritage — and our legacy. We grew up clamming it, sailing it, swimming in it. Now our bay is sick, and we must heal it, for today and for the future! Save The Great South Bay is a local 501(c)3 non-profit that actively works to restore the bay, and with that, strengthen our South Shore communities.

Your gift supports our four core programs, each designed to tackle the challenges facing the Bay and ensure a healthier future for generations to come:

The Great South Bay Oyster Project – Rebuilding oyster reefs that naturally filter the water, improve clarity, and provide essential habitats for marine life.

The Creek Defender Program – Restoring the 50 creeks that feed the Bay by removing debris, combating invasive species, and planting native plants to improve water quality and biodiversity.

Water Quality Monitoring & Report Card – Harnessing expert science to create an easy-to-understand, letter-grade report card on the health of the Bay 

Advocacy and Education – Raising awareness about the threats to the Bay and inspiring communities to take action through workshops, outreach, and events.

The future of Long Island depends on the health of our beautiful Bay.

More Ways to Support STGSB

Increase Your Impact – Corporate Matching

Your employer may match your donation to Save The Great South Bay, 501(c)3. A matching gift, which is a donation made by a corporation that matches an employee’s donation, could double your gift’s impact. Contact your Human Resource Benefits Department to find out if your company offers the program and how you can submit your matching gift request.

Gifts of Appreciated Securities

Contributing appreciated securities to Save The Great South Bay, 501(c)3 is an ideal way to make a gift. If the security has been held at least one year, you may be eligible to receive tax benefits and avoid any capital gain tax.

Charitable IRA Rollover

If you are over 70 1/2 or older, you can donate up to $100,000 from your IRA without having to pay income taxes on the funds.


You can help secure our future and create your own legacy by including Save The Great South Bay, 501(c)3 as a beneficiary in your will. Designating a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, a residual of your estate or a contingency amount allows you to make a high impact gift.


2024 Highlights

This year has been incredibly active as our efforts to protect the Great South Bay continuously expand. Please help ensure that we can continue these efforts for a cleaner, healthier Great South Bay – the future of Long Island depends on it. We promise to make your donation count.

Creek Defender Program

Working together with municipalities, local organizations, schools, elected officials and others, we patrol, identify areas in need, and clean up along the 50 creeks and rivers leading into the Great South Bay, ensuring healthier waters enter the Bay.

Oyster Habitat Restoration

Our GSB Oyster Project is restoring oyster habitat to the Great South Bay promoting local aquaculture and a natural filtration system that will help keep the Bay clean. Our goal is to plant one million oysters by 2025.

South Shore Bays Water Quality Monitoring

We coordinate and collaborate with a multitude of partners to collect water quality data along the South Shore with the end goal of creating an easy-to-understand, letter-grade Report Card that will drive water quality improvement decision making.

Education & Advocacy

Through our quarterly Speaker Series, we bring together the many stakeholders, scientists, public officials, policy makers, educators, baymen, residents and more to further the conversation on how to restore the Great South Bay. We strongly advocate for the expanded use of sewers and innovative and alternative wastewater treatments systems that also recharge our sole source aquifer. 

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