Bay Friendly Yard Program
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Plant Bay Friendly!
Certify Your Yard Bay Friendly
- Habitat Restoration
- Stormwater Management
- Local Stewardship
Become a Certified Bay Friendly Yard and proudly display a yard sign.
Apply Now or email us [email protected] for more info!

Get A Free, Native Planting, E-Book To Help You Get Started!

- Step-by-step instructions to assess your yard
- Lists of LI native species
- Tips on how to arrange these plantings
Bay Friendly Yard Webinars
Bay Friendly Yards: Ocean Beach
Director of Habitat Restoration Frank Piccininni addresses the Village of Ocean Beach Civic Association on how to create Bay Friendly Yards in the Fire Island community.
Bay Friendly Yards: Recycling Stormwater
Bay Friendly Yards: Creating A Butterfly Garden
Bay Friendly Yards: Nature and Mindfulness
Bay Friendly Yards: Creating Wildlife Habitat
Bay Friendly Yards: Three Essential Elements
More About Bay Friendly Yards
Bay Friendly Yards: Creating Wildlife Habitat
The typical suburban yard lacks the basic necessities of wildlife habitat, devoid of birds, butterflies and other delightful creatures. These creatures are not only an essential part of local ecosystems but also provide an amazing nature show! What does a butterfly...
Water Warriors {Yep, That’s Us}
Written by Tom Schlichter and as seen in Newsday, 04/29/21 Long Island outdoors lovers are often looking for environmental organizations to volunteer with come spring. Especially attractive are grassroots societies that endeavor to promote, protect and improve our...
Sustainable Development In Our Neighborhoods
The word is out. What so many of us love most about Long Island, from its recreational opportunities such as biking, fishing, kayaking and more, to its easy access to shopping and services, continues to attract people to the Island, making development unavoidable. No...
Help Save The Bay on GivingTuesday
GivingTuesday is a very simple idea - a day that encourages people to pause for a moment, reflect on what's important to them & simply do good. It is now a global movement and your chance to help the Great South Bay. Save The Great South Bay is a 501(c)3...
One Creek, One Tree at a Time
We all want to make a difference. It feels good when you do! We saved trees recently. Those trees are helping us save the Great South Bay. As Sayville Creek Defender, I helped lead Save the Great South's first wide-scale invasive removal. It was a pilot. Thanks to the...
Lindy Becomes LI’s First Bay Friendly Certified Library
Save The Great South Bay is thrilled to welcome Lindenhurst Memorial Library to our community of Bay Friendly Yards. Lindy Library has a long history of being green and jumped right on board. With their no-fertilizer, no-pesticide clover lawn, composting bin and...